Vi har – i samarbejde med Google og Dansk Journalistforbund – samlet en række nye medier, forskere og garvede startuppere til en endagsfestival for nye medier. Festivalen bliver afholdt den 22. september fra klokken 10-17 på Bremen Teater. Du kan blandt andre møde Alex Blumberg, og Føljeton!
Interview tips for podcasters/The secret to a great interview
Råd 1: “You want to find someone with direct experience. The default, I think, in the public radio journalism world is too often the expert voice.”
Råd 2: “You know you are on the right track if someone is actually talking to you in dialogue”
Alex Blumberg, kendt for Planet Money, This American Life og Gimlet Media, kommer med en række konkrete råd til at podcaste
Creative Line: Interview Tips for Podcasters from Alex Blumberg og Podcasting: The Secret to a Great Interview
This Danish startup involved into a “newsletter company” because that was what the readers wanted
“We’re building a routine, a product you get every day, a feeling, something that you buy,” he said. “Of course, we’re trying to involve our readers, but it’s like buying a cup of coffee every day.”
Interview med Søren Ipland og Oliver Stilling om Føljetons nyhedsbrevsfirma.
Nieman Journalism Lab: This Danish startup involved into a “newsletter company” because that was what the readers wanted
The Swedish startup Kit is rethinking analytics for a broader view of what makes a story succesful
“The goal of collecting all the information is to create Kit Core, a taxonomy for editorial content and a more holistic overview of what makes a story successful…”
Den svenske medie har løftet analytics til et helt nyt niveau. De vil gerne forstå, hvad der gør at en historie bliver læst.
Nieman Journalism Lab: The Swedish startup Kit is rethinking analytics for a broader view of what makes a story succesful